From space this planet does not look like much, merely a Neptune-type gas giant, with blue-green methane clouds forming an impenetrable barrier around a seething core. But one probe launched in the perfect spot discovered a miracle: a cloud of the most beautiful gemstones ever discovered. Shimmering with a brilliant blue light, these stones, called dragontears, are completely untouchable. If removed from their natural enviornment they shatter into a trillion pieces. Perhaps they are even alive; no one knows about this mysterious cloud of gems. The cloud is being eroded by the planet's winds, and after a few years the gems will be scattered individually all over the planet, and individually all over the planet, and probably this beauty will never be found again. Perhaps one day someone will happen across a stray piece of this miracle, but for now we can see it in its entirety. � 1996, 1998 Victor Sheckels

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